This project is the outcome of a partnership between BC Housing and the City of Vancouver to respond to an urgent need for a permanent shelter and a significant number of new social housing units for Urban Indigenous individuals and households. The project will provide individuals with a graduated access to housing through the Shelter, then Transitional Housing, and then on to permanent non-market housing. Designed to make a positive contribution to the community, the project will create safe spaces where all people can come together to feel accepted and valued. It will reflect the values of inclusiveness and belonging at the heart of the Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society and help provide people with the skills and support they need to transition from shelter to independent living. The Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society (VAFCS) has been providing services to the Aboriginal community transitioning to an urban setting for over 50 years. VAFCS has been working with the City of Vancouver and BC Housing to develop a permanent emergency shelter and transitional housing project for over 5 years. Through architecture, design, and programming, the building will celebrate and enrich the area’s vibrant Indigenous history and traditions. It will honour and respect the elders, adults, youth and families that live in the area. Community events and gatherings hosted at the building will help neighbours connect to each other and people from all cultural backgrounds will be invited to express and share their culture.

Mixed-use with social and market rental homes